***Notice to All Vendors***
Vendor Resources:
Effective immediately, only vendors who submit a current (2022) completed vendor application packet will be able to do business with Donna Independent School District.
The Vendor Application Packet is located on the Donna I.S.D. Purchasing Department website (see the link listed above). The completed vendor packet should be emailed to vendorapplicationpacket@donnaisd.net.
Vendors may also mail the packet to Donna I.S.D., Purchasing Department, 116 N. 10th Street, Donna, Tx. 78537 or hand deliver it to the same address.
If you have any questions, you should contact the Purchasing Department staff at (956) 464-1620.
Mission Statement:
The Purchasing Department's Mission is to continually identify and incorporate innovative purchasing practices that will support the teaching, and service efforts of Donna ISD.
Vision Statement:
Our Vision is to create customer satisfaction by providing value and efficiency to each purchase request while adhering to the District's policy, state law, and sound business practices.