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High Quality Prekindergarten Self-Assessment

High Quality Prekindergarten Self-Assessment

PreK Self Assessment

The General Appropriations Act, Article III, Rider 78, was passed by the 85th Texas Legislature, 2017, and signed by Governor Abbott on June 12, 2017. Rider 78 ensures that state-funded prekindergarten programs implement high-quality prekindergarten consistent with the High-Quality Prekindergarten program requirements in Texas Education Code (TEC) §29.167 – 29.171 and consistent with the provisions of TEC Chapters 41 and 42. 

These requirements include the use of a curriculum aligned with the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines, increased prekindergarten teacher training and/or qualifications, implementation of student progress monitoring, program evaluation and development of a family engagement plan. 

In implementing the high-quality prekindergarten components referenced in Rider 78, a school district shall make data from the results of program evaluations available to parents. Please click here to view information on the High-Quality Prekindergarten Self-Assessment and program evaluation results and next steps.