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Teacher Incentive Allotment Overview

TIA Logo
House Bill 3 was approved by the 86th Texas Legislature and established the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA).  The goal of the Teacher Incentive Allotment is a highly competitive salary for teachers who prioritize teaching in high-needs areas and rural campuses. TIA focuses on recruiting, supporting, and retaining highly effective teachers in all schools, with particular emphasis on high-need and rural schools.  Under TIA, Texas school districts may develop a local designation system and designate high-performing teachers as either Recognized, Exemplary, or Master.  Districts receive additional funding ($3,000-$32,000 per year) for every designated teacher who they employ.

In the fall of 2020, Donna ISD applied to participate in the Teacher Incentive Allotment and received system approval for the District’s Project RISE campuses.  Those campuses, Rivas Elementary School and 3D Academy, were selected to pilot the designation system due to their prior involvement in strategic compensation.  Educator performance data and proposed designations for these campuses were submitted to the Texas Tech University and Texas Education Agency in the fall of 2020 for validation.  The data review and proposed designations were approved in March 2021, and led to the receipt of provisional approval of the designation system for one year.  The immediate goal is to attain full approval of the designation system and expand to include teachers at all Donna ISD schools.  The District will continue to gather feedback from stakeholders in an effort to refine the designation system and increase awareness of this opportunity.  Additional information will be forthcoming.

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