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TEA Stakeholder Survey - Feedback Requested

Special Education Department


Our Mission:

It is the goal of Donna I.S.D Special Education Department to provide each student with academic and life experiences to move them forward in their future. By appropriately serving our population we can assure success for all students.

Living our Mission

Texas SPED Support

Technical assistance and support needs for the state. 

Discover resources & learning opportunities from experts in the field.  

Special Education Information Center

We provide information and resources that can help you understand your child’s disability, your rights, and responsibilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and facilitate collaboration that supports the development and delivery of services to children with disabilities in our state.

Contact: Ester Rios

Phone: 956-461-4205



Region One ESC - Child Find Flyer

The Donna Independent School District has an obligation to identify, locate and evaluate each child, birth to age 21 years old, residing within the jurisdiction of the District who has a disability or is suspected of having a disability, regardless of the severity of the disability, and who is in need of special education and related services.  This Child Find obligation extends to all children with disabilities, including those who are homeless, highly mobile, migrants, in foster care, homeschooled, court-involved or attending private schools within the jurisdiction of the District.

For more information, please contact the Campus Administrator or the Special Education Department.  


Click here for more information or support on homeless education provided by Texas Education for Homeless Children and Youth (TEHCY).


The Texas Transition and Employment Guide (ENGLISH/ SPANISH) provides information on statewide services and programs that assist students with disabilities and their families with information about education, employment, and community living. For more information, contact the Campus Educational Diagnostician or visit Texas Transition

Texas Transition and Employment Guide - English  



Texas Transition and Employment Guide - Spanish


Spanish Pathways



Texas Driving With Disability website  (Governer's Committee On People with Disabilities)




Operating Procedures

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