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Teacher Retirement System of Texas 

TRS is a retirement pension plan. District employees that work in a qualifying position are automatically enrollend in TRS. Donna ISD is required to withhold and submit your monthly member contribution to TRS. TRS is a defined benefit plan which means your monthly benefit during retirement is "defined" by a formula; it is not limited to the amount of your accumulated contributions in your TRS member account. 

Important and Useful Links:

TRS Website - Contains many useful resources for details, information and required forms.

TRS Benefits Handbook - Document designed to help explain your TRS benefits.

MY TRS - Your personal online portal to access your TRS account balance, help estimate retirement benefits, and much more.

TRS Youtube Channel - Excellent source of videos available to explain your TRS benefits. 

Contact Information: 

TRS Member Services - TRS is the best contact for questions relating to your TRS account, retirement preparation quesitons, or help with TRS form submission. 

1-800-223-8778 Monday–Friday, 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Automated information available day or night, seven days a week ​​


If you need assistance with more information, please contact the office of Safety & Risk Management and we will gladly assist you. 

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